Jasper plays Pilot
Hello, yes, I am known as Jasper, although I have many other names, such as “Silly Mutt” and “Who’s a Fluffy Puppy” and also sometimes “MOVE!” Now you may think I that I am a dog, but I am definitely one of the Humans. Yes, in fact I am probably the most important of the Humans. I’m very very important and also, you should rub my belly, always. I was born 8 sun cycles ago in the land of Abbostford. I lived on a farm with dogs for a while before they realized I was actually a Human and then gave me to my real family. I enjoy eating things like rocks… and all other things.
Also, one time I learned to swim. I will never forget the fear that racked my bones.
Also, once there was a wild rabbit.
If you are interested in having me in your movie, call me at AH-ROO-ROO-ROOROO - RUFF.
May your days be filled with accidently dropped bacon,