Courtney Shields plays Johanna Reed
Courtney has been involved in the local theatrical community for most of her life, so she is very excited to be exploring the wonderful world of film AND YouTube on this project. She is a graduate of Capilano University’s Musical Theatre Program, and UBC’s BFA Acting Program – (all that schooling took 7 years, so she is kinda like Harry Potter). During those years, she had the pleasure of working with many companies on shows, such as Footlight Theatre, RCMT, Gateway, TUTS, Exit22, Theatre at UBC, Neworld Theatre, and most recently, Beach House Theatre. Currently, Courtney is back at UBC getting her Bachelor’s of Education, but when she isn’t doing that she enjoys reading, dancing, anything Joss Whedon, and breaking clay pots to see if there are Rupees inside.
Watch for her cameo in Very Clever Productions' upcoming webseries “Derrick and Sally: Bathtub Killers” – due out later this year!
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Courtney Shields